Sunday, October 16, 2016

Trip newsletter.

I have been home for awhile now.  I have started a new job and at the end of the month I will be moving to a new house.   I sent out these letters to many but wanted to share it with all of you too.  This summer was amazing. Below is a little bit about how the summer went.  

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Team 5 of 5

 The rest of the Interns and I are back home now.  We have been since Saturday. Our time went really fast there at the end. I will try to fill you in on how the Lord worked in our last few weeks in Italy. 

Here is Sydney's blog of our last team.  Check it out and how the Lord worked thru our last team. 

This team was a team full of faith.  They hit the ground in Italy knowing and hoping and praying for miracles.  They knew from the start the the Lord was going to do big things. They prayed to be used everyday.

From day one, prayer walking around the city, it was easier. There was a weight lifted off the city that had been there all summer.  Just like all the teams before they took what the last teams did and built on it.  Each night while teams were out on the street for ministry there was a team that interceded for them and the nation and the ETC movement. All summer we learned that prayer is powerful and needed. We decided to have a team praying while others were sharing on the streets.

The Lord worked through our short term team and our staff to bring many healings to those on the streets of the city. We were able to share His goodness and bring hope to many.  We met a group that came over on the boats and were able to give them bags, soccer balls and some food to make their first days and journey north a little easier.

I was able to attend a DBS and watch the word speak truth to three young men. I was also able to listen to a story that brought a young man to Italy and as a group we were able to speak truth and freedom to him and his heart. Two evenings that I will remember for a long time.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Jenga time.

Just this week we have been able to visit the home of Refugee Boys we discovered a few weeks ago.  On Tuesday we took games and spent the evening talking and laughing with the boys.  My teammate Nicole wrote the following after that evening. It is well said so I wanted to share it with you all.

Imagine being 15-17 years old and having to flee your country. Alone. Leaving behind your parents and siblings. Make an incredibly difficult journey across the Sahara desert at the mercy of traffickers. Be unjustly imprisoned, forced to work, beaten. See your friends get shot or drown in the Mediterranean Sea. You are sure you're going to die in the boat. But then, by the grace of God, you set your feet on European soil. You're placed in a home with other boys your age, but have nothing to do all day long. You're bored out of your mind, hot, often only being fed rice and water. You don't know the local language and your future seems to be at the mercy of the government who decides if you can be granted refugee status. Since you don't know the language, people sometimes assume you're dumb. But in reality you know 7 other languages and are quite brilliant. Dreaming doesn't seem like an option. You can't see past tomorrow, and your head has just never been right since that boat ride and seeing your best friend drown. And to top it all off, you miss your mom like crazy. You'd do anything for a hug from someone who loves you. You're only 15, far from home, and fending for yourself.

This story may seem drastic, but these are details we've heard over and over from African boys who have fled their homes for safety. Sadly, these stories are the norm. We've seen the scars and the tears. Tonight, we took a bag full of board games and card games to a house where 47 boys live. Despite language barriers, the boys all learned how to play the games and we had so much fun. The director of the home looked into the room and said with amazement, "Look, they're all laughing!" It was the simplest gesture, sitting down and playing games. We left the games at the house, simply having something to do during the days will help occupy their minds. These boys think we bless them, but truly our hearts were bursting with love when we left. They bless us so much. They always want to know how long until we go back to America, if they can come with us, and when we'll be at the house next. They are just regular boys who happened to be born in vastly different circumstances than you and me. They aren't bad, they don't have ill intentions, they aren't extremists. I wonder what the future looks like for these boys, and wish I could bring them all home. They've literally walked through hell and survived - I know God brought them through for a reason and has great plans for each one. We gave them all Bibles a few weeks ago. One boy told me tonight that he's been reading about Moses & James. In a few days we'll go back to start a Bible study in the house, for whichever boys want to come. God has opened the door to this home for such a time as this. These boys will likely end up in all parts of the world, and we are so thankful for this little window of time to pour into their lives and love them unconditionally. 

 We were back again last night in the home. The boys got out the games and brought them to us to play. Another few hours were spent playing games and talking with the boys.  One of them said as we left that it was so good for us to be there that we should come any free time we have because when we are there they don't have time to think about what they have been through or what they have left behind. Its a break. Its laughter. Its allowing them to be boys again.

This ministry looks so different than what we have been doing the rest of the trip. This is relational. This is just sitting and talking with the boys for hours. Its easy to get thinking that we aren't making a difference or an impact. But we are and maybe even greater than we do with those we chat with for 5 minutes on the side of the road. With these boys we are building relationships and showing them people do care about them.  They are worth it.

Its already Friday and our forth team leaves in three days.  It goes by so fast. Soon us staff will have to pack up and say goodbyes.  None of us are ready for that.  Please pray that us staff would take full advantage of these last few weeks we are here. That we would be bolder than ever and step out trusting the Lord will be there with us.  

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The third team.

I promised you more on our third team. Which is our second one from Waypoint. 

 Check out Sydney's blogs on our team page.  The first.  And the second.

This team came thinking about the big shoes they were to fill. This comes with following the Dschool and hearing all the stories and experiences from that. But we constantly reminded them that they weren't filling shoes but standing on shoulders.

We picked up trash at the Piazza that we do ministry at on a weekly basis.
Over the week the Lord was so kind and gracious to them. He called them to and laid before them just what they could handle and what they needed. For so many of them this was their first trip. (I personally love watching people on their first mission trips) Over the week we watched team members step out in bravery and share bits of their stories with strangers. We watched an 11 year old go up to people on the street and pray for them. We watched a team who was unsure step into what the Lord is calling them to be. There were moments of courage, of giant leaps of faith and of intense prayer that made this week unlike any of the others.

That has been the cool part. Watching the Lord work in each team and see how He uses each one to bring His kingdom here to Italy. This team was a little quieter and the Lord knew that so night after night he brought people to them to talk. They didn't have to go out and find them. He also opened huge doors for us to go into some of the housing for youth refugees. He brought relationships to them knowing it was going to be a bit harder for them to go searching for them.  Each team member was blessed and changed by their time here. 

My prayer, as with every team, is that that fire and that passion they experience here will go back home with them and ignite our church and city for Jesus. 

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Over half way.

So our time here is over half way over. Not sure how I feel about that.  I am trying to stay in the here and now and not think about what it will be to go home.

We now have our third team here.  A bit about them later.
With the Sheffield team.

While Sheffield was here the Lord was hard at work in Sicily.  Check out our Intern blog about what the Lord did during their time here. 

In that short week He head many including a few on the team.  DBS/bible studies were started and we started to see people give their lives to the Lord.  This team stood on the shoulders of the Dschool team and took the Lords work further. 

It was wonderful how this group of strangers turned into family so quickly.  They were passionate about the Lord, powerful worshipers and prayers.  Since returning to Sheffield one team member has told me that "Sheffield is ignited at the moment from what we have brought back, lets hope we can keep fanning the flame." How generous of the Lord to continue what is happening here to go to Sheffield and begin to change that city.  

Thank you for your prayers.  This summer is amazing and the Lord is working in so many ways. This is in thanks in part to those of you at home praying for us that the Lord will use us. And he has.  So think you for your prayers and keep them coming.  We have started several DBS bible studies through out the city, pray that those attending will garb a hold of them and make them their own so that when we leave they will be able to continue.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

The walls of Jericho

First, Sorry that I have not been blogging more.  Amazing things are happening here. The lord is at work but we are so busy and get so tired when teams are here. I just woke from a 20 minute nap that turned into almost an hour, thanks to the snooze button.  It is getting hotter here so our quite times are spent relaxing and catching up on sleep lost over past day.  None the less here is a story from earlier in the week. I did post something about it on Social Media but here is the long story.

I believe this was Monday evening.

I was grouped with Ryan, Nikita (one of the girls from Sheffield) and one of our translators (I will call him S for the story). Ryan was told we were going to the park to prayer walk. Which we were excited about. The park is beautiful and no one is disappointed to go there. So we had S meet us there since he was already in the city.  We got into town and found that we were really at #5 which is the place of the building that houses that space that we want for the Agape Center.

This is the space that would be perfect for the Agape Center.
So back up to when we first arrived and parked we always circle up and pray and then disperse. So before we all split up Ryan shared a "word" that he got while relaxing earlier today.  He got the impression that whoever was at #5 location needed to walk around the building like the wall of Jericho. Six times praying and then the last one declaring Gods goodness and that the building is ours. Just after sharing that someone was looking at the group assignments are realized that Ryan's group was at #5.

So after splitting up finding S, because he was at the park with a dead phone, we started out walk around the building. We may have seemed crazy to on lookers. Walking around the same half block over and over. But we did it.

Walking laps, that is the building in the background.
A bit about how the walk went for me and how the Lord showed up.
 So a little background, this summer the Lord is showing me and teaching me that He sees me, He cares for me beyond belief. This was just more reaffirmed this night during the walk. 
The first two laps around the building I would start to pray for something but then couldn't, in the sense that I didn't have the words or what I wanted to pray I didn't know who to put words to it.  I was getting frustrated and the enemy was mocking me. Telling me that if only I had the gift of tongues like everyone else then I wouldn't be of no use. He just kept telling me I was broken, that I would be the reason that this was not going to work. I kept praying against all that and even prayed for tongues. The Lord knows my heart and where I am at on tongues. He knows that its a complicated thing for me. So I was not given tongues that night but instead each lap around he would give me something to pray about. Something to share with the other three to pray for together as we walked.  Which to me was even more sweet because he saw my need, my distress and came in a gifted me with knowledge and a way to pray, that incorporated all of us so that the prayers were even stronger.  Jesus himself even said that "Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven." in Matthew 18:19.  

Praying over the building on the final lap.
The last Lap was all celebration, though it may have been the quietest celebration. We thanked the Lord and declared this building and place His.  The four of us walked away confident that that building is ours and if its not it will be clear and the Lord will give us another place that will be easy to rent. 

Declaring this Building THE LORDS.

We didn't talk to anyone that evening.  But we knew we poked big holes in the tent of darkness over the city.  S could feel the enemy's camp was in a state of confusion with each lap and each prayer prayed that night.  Just another way the Lord is showing me and my teammates how important prayer is.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Dschool was here.

We said goodbye to our first team on Monday.
That means only 4 more left. 
I'm not liking that. 

This fits so well. 

Check out our intern blog that Sydney writes. 

It was a great trip.  It was like a big family reunion too.  Because I helped with Dschool this year I felt like each member of that team was family. It didn’t matter who you got pair with for ministry because you wanted to be around them all, all the time.

One particular evening when we went out to the city to canvas for Unbound, I was paired with three others. Our goal was to talk to businesses and have them hang a poster up that says “Not in My City”. Unbound is a organization that works with raising awareness and stopping human trafficking. Check it out here and find out more about them.  Anyways, this evening came after a few evenings where I felt like a very small piece of the puzzle and not very instrumental in ministry.  (I am not a go up to a person and start talking to them type, so street ministry pushes and stretches me) So this night with a clear task laid before us I was feeling like I could be a part of this, I could succeed. Compared to how I felt other nights in ministry.  So with my team we finally found our section of town that we were to talk to the businesses about. All evening out joke was three Americans and a Mexican enter China town on an Italian holiday in Italy...   

All Jokes aside God showed up and make me feel so loved by him. It was our third or forth business. Clearly in Chinatown we were running into a communication difficulty with not knowing Chinese. So two of my team went into a Chinese Restaurant and I started praying like I had every other time. This time my prayer was along the lines of “Lord let them look at the poster and even if they don’t understand, let them point to a space on the wall and say this is empty you can hang it here.”  Not 5 seconds after I prayed that, an employee came out and pointed to a blank spot on the wall for our team to hang up the poster.  I just started to laugh and thank God for answering my prayer.  For days before I doubted so much if I was even making a difference. Doubted if my prayers made a difference. And here He was showing me that “Yes I do hear your prayers”. For the rest of the evening it happened almost just like that. I prayed for what I would like to see, and my Lord answered my prayers. By the time Dinner time came I felt so loved and so seen by God that no one could have convinced me otherwise. 

This is just one story of so many from this past week.  Each evening there were stories of healings of praying for and talking about Jesus with Muslims who normally wouldn’t. The Lord is moving here and he is using us interns and the Short-term teams to do it. 

It is such a privilege to be a part of what is happening here. Its going to be hard to go home in a few months.

Here are a few pictures of our week with Dschool.

Before ministry in the Piazza.

Connie (One of my Omaha Roommates and Friends) on top of one of Etna's craters

Picnic after hiking and praying on top of Etna.

A beautiful off day in a beautiful town full of tourists.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Our first week

We have been here for almost a week. This week has been filled with figuring out our schedule and to get antiquated with our jobs and locations. We spent an evening at a Piazza talking with people and yesterday we went into the City to walk around and see where we will be ministering on a daily basis.  Here are a few pictures of my time here so far. 

Street food after the Piazza

Mount Etna from our balcony

Michelle and I in the city exploring

Sydney, Nicole and Michelle

The big Catholic church in the middle of town.

Please be praying for health for the team and that we can be prepared and ready for our first team to arrive. They come on Saturday. Continued prayer for unity and for boldness for our staff (this is what we are calling our team on interns).

Friday, May 20, 2016

We made it!!

We are finally here. We have made it to Italy. 

Here is the blog that will be updated on a normal basis by Sydney, she is our Social Media Coordinator.  I will be blogging but this one will also have stories and updates and photos. 

Check the Blog out here.

Our first day was orientation, meetings on specific jobs we have and an evening at a "piazza" (city square) and had street food from a food truck for dinner.  It was a good intro day, tomorrow we will go into the city where we will be doing most of our ministry this summer.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

becoming a team

Last night I had my team over. All of us interns, except one, in one place not for a meeting but for fun, to talk and get to know each other. 

Many of us know a few of each other really well.
Four of us went through Dschool last year together.
Two are in Dschool this year. But a few of them didn't know each other at all.

So over burgers at the picnic table we laughed and asked questions. We started to become a team. I can honestly say that I am more excited for this summer. I'm ready to spend the summer with these people. I'm ready to laugh all day. I'm ready to speak truth into their lives and have them speak truth into mine. 
We have three weeks till be get on a plane to Europe.

Please be praying for...
 continued unity for our team.
Josh and Rachel Ballard as they prepare for us and the short term teams to come over.
health and safety.

Monday, April 18, 2016

What's happening in Sicily.

Our church planter in Sicily sent us a video update last week. Follow the link below to check it out. It gives a good update on what our time there will be about. 

Link to Josh Ballard's update.

Also Antioch shared this photo and caption on Facebook this morning and wanted to share it with you all.

I am less than a month out from leaving. My support is coming in and I have all faith that I will be supported fully when I leave the country. The Lord has  been so good through the whole process. He is so good and I can't wait to see what He is going to do this summer in Sicily and I am so honored and thankful to be a part of it. 

Thank you for supporting me and following me on here. Please pray that our internship team will be unified this summer and that we are able to encourage and pour into Josh and Rachel and their kids. Prayers and all the logistics of a movement this big go smooth. Prayers for health and safe travels too. 

Thank you. Thank you.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

a little over a month to go.

There is just over a month to go before stepping on a plane to Sicily.

From the moment I said yes to The Lord about this trip I have been excited and at peace.

I am not yet counting down the days because a little bit of me is sad to leave my friends and family here in Omaha behind for the summer. I will miss out on bonfires and bike rides, walks and concerts in the park, holidays and just spending time outside with friends. I will miss church on Sundays when it feels like I am surrounded by family. I will miss Outreach week with the refugees here at home and watching their soccer games, coached by my sister.

But there is so much I am excited about and looking forward to this summer.
Getting to know some of my teammates better. 
Spending days loving people.
Cooking with Italians in their kitchens. (I really hope this happens)
Leaving America and most things American behind. 
Exploring new places.
Watching the Lord work thru our team and the teams that come over. 
Being able to serve our church planters.
The sea.
Watching God change hearts and bring freedom and hope.

So in the next month and a little bit I will be packing and running errands (like the eye doctor and the car shop), possibly working some of my last days at my job. I will be saying see-you-laters. I will be deciding what journal to use and how many different colored pens I should take. I will be getting to know my teammates and how we will work together as a team.  I will continue to Trust God through it all and thank him for the peace he has given me. 

Sunday, March 27, 2016

A little video clip.

Follow the link below to watch a clip of Pastor Silas explaining why we are going to Sicily and the heart behind it. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Many have been asking how my support is going.  And till last night I had no idea. But at the same time I was not worried at all.  I know that this is where I am suppose to be. I know that the Lord wants me in Sicily this summer.  
 Maybe you are asking why. 

The simple quick answer is peace. Now as I prepare for this trip, more that any of the other times before trips, I have peace. I don't even know how to explain it really. It is a sense that everything is going to be good. Perhaps this is because I have sound some freedom from fear, especially around mission trips.

But more than that I believe its because I have let go and am fully trusting Him with this.  There are so many questions and unknowns, which usually my planner self would want to know. But I am okay not knowing. I am okay just sitting back and letting others organize and figure out the questions. I am okay with each day giving it over the the Lord knowing that He knows way more that I do. And in His hands its safer. In His hands its a sure thing. In His hands is love and hope and freedom.

The support update I got last night has me at $1452 raised. I still don't know what the final cost of the trip will be. Its has been estimated at over $6000.  Which puts me just over a 6th of the way there.  I do know that in April they will be purchasing our plane tickets. I believe this cost is around $1200. Which means I have made that goal. THANK YOU!

If you are interested and haven't bought one yet my tshirts are only on sale till tomorrow (23 March) evening.  I have sold 26 and am hoping for at least 30 by the end of the sale. That is 4 more in the next day.  Please go HERE to purchase one.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

A little check in

Hi everyone!  I am just over 2 months from leaving for Sicily.  As each day passes I get a little more excited and sure that this is where I am suppose to be. 

I went down to IHOP in Kansas City (the prayer house not the pancake place) for prophetic prayer with the Discipleship class. I got two words from people who don't know me at all and don't know my plans for Sicily, that spoke into Adventure and Going Places. How cool.  Thank you Jesus for confirmation.

I did get an update on how to give online through our church's givingfire page. Visit it here. There is now an “Engage the Crisis-Interns" option from the pull down tab. You can select that and still put my name in the additional comments section below at the bottom. As long as my name is attached to your support it will get to my account.   Thank you if you have already given and if you have not, please pray about being part of this with me.

I posted last week but I am still selling my T shirts and will be till the 23rd. I have sold 22 so far and have a goal of 50. So 28 more to go.  If you would like to buy one please go to Bonfirefunds to purchase one.

I don't think there is anymore updates to share. I continue to wake up each day and befoe I can start ot worry about things I tell the Lord "I trust you". What a great gift we have in Him that He can be trusted and that He is so good and so loving towards us.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Letter #2

I have sent out most of my second letters.  If you did not get one and would like one. Please let me know. It gives some specific prayer requests and goes into what I will be doing this summer just a bit more. 
 An up close view of the meat of the letter.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Shirt for Sicily.

Hi everyone!

 I posted on Facebook but also wanted to share here. I with a lot of help from a friend designed a shirt and am selling it to help fun my and others trips to Sicily this summer.   Check it out. Please buy a shirt and share with your friends. They even ship internationally. 

Check out my Shirt for Sicily here.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Lots of bagels and orange juice.

We had our first team meeting today. Really it was all information passed along to the team.  We got packets of paperwork.  I will share with you a few things that stood out to me.

1.  We don't have to wear skirts and we can wear tank tops.  A little blessing. I'm excited to be in warm weather and don't have to dress in long pants or skirts. Yay!

2.  Our day doesn't end till 12am. Yes you read that right MIDNIGHT. Now if you have been around me at all in the last 3-4 years you know that I like to go to bed early. Last night I was in bed (not asleep) by 8pm.  I wake before 5am so going to bed early is a must. So I'm not sure how I will stay awake till 12.  My team will have to keep me entertained or keep elbowing me to keep me awake. I usually hit a wall at 9:30.  Good luck to me.

3. Our trip cost, which has not been completely figured out has been estimated at $6300.  Yes that shocked us all on the team.  That is a large number. But I have to remind myself that this is Europe not Africa.  And that the Lord has called me to this, so He already knows that the money will come in.  Several key factors in the cost of the trip are still being figured out so the cost could be below that. Please pray that housing for my team and I (the Interns) are found.  This is just one more place for me to say "Yes, Lord I trust you". 

If you feel led to give and support me financially this summer I thank you. Please go HERE and choose Sicily and in the optional comments section put Rebecca Arnold. As long as my name is attached to the gift it will go towards my trip. 

Friday, February 26, 2016

Thursday, February 25, 2016

A little business-- numbers

I sent out many letters and depending on what draft you got. The estimated amount of the trip will be either $3,300 or $4,500.  

Why the change? 

Its because it is all an estimation. I am hoping soon that we will get an actual number. We were told that it could be as high as $5400.  I'm trusting the Lord that it doesn't get that high.  As soon as I get a final number I will post on here and probable put together a PDF that I can email out to people.

If you haven't already please go back to my homepage, unless you are there already, and sign up to follow by email.  This will let you get all my updates on here in your email.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

A summer overseas.


Many of you  have gotten support letters. And if you haven't but want one please comment below and I will get one to you. 

I go to a church that is part of a bigger church network--Antioch. They are based out of Waco Texas and have church plants all over the United States and the world.  They have a passion for the nations and for the Lost to be found. When the Refugee Crisis got more and more serious they just knew they couldn't stand by and do nothing. So they are Engaging the Crisis. Check out the link to see what they are doing.

Our church as a church plant of Antioch's is in this with them. And because we have church planters over there in the middle of it. it was an easy decision to do our part. We will be staffing our "hub". (Hub being a word to say a locations chosen to have many people come and all focus on helping the refugees.) And I will be part of a team on interns that will help our church planters on ground for the summer so that when the short term trips come in they aren't overwhelmed. 

I don't have ton of information on this or what it will really look like. This will be a summer of trusting the Lord. Im excited to see what the Lord will go thru our hub this summer.

I will try to update on here when I know things and when things happen when I'm in Sicily.

Right now I'm working on getting all my support letters out and trusting the Lord for support to come in.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


I was driving to work today and the verse of the day was read. Psalm 27:14.

New Living Translation
Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the LORD.

International Standard Version
Wait on the LORD. Be courageous, and he will strengthen your heart. Wait on the LORD!

When I heard it I thought Yes. Yes everyone should wait for the Lord. Yes it takes patience to do it, on mornings when it seems that He isn't talking to you. Yes it takes bravery and courage to wait for the Lord and not the world. And Yes this is where I have been the last two years. 

I moved to Omaha, thanks Kt, two years ago this weekend. And it has been two year of waiting. Two years of strengthening my heart. Two years of discovering who Jesus is again. And who Becca is. I came here with a heart that was damaged and fortified. I'm not saying that my heart is completely healed and whole. But it is definitely on the mend. I have been told lately that I am a completely different person that even a year ago.  I sure hope so. I feel different. I feel lighter, freer.  

Waiting on the Lord is so good. Its hard to do at times. I don't have it mastered. But I know the good it does. I know what comes of it and I don't want to not want to do it. I want my life to be spent waiting on the Lord. So that when He speaks I know its him. When He moves I know it was him that moved.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

A Best Day Ever

The following is a review I wrote for our Excursion in Puerto Vallarta. 

This tour started out with our guide telling us that their goal will be for this to be our Best Day Ever. That it will beat out when your kids was born, when you got married and all other prior best days. After that speech you expect for this excursion to be a very good decision. We were then escorted to our speed boat, after all 30 of us piled in and put on our life vests we made our way around the very large cruise ships at dock and hit water and increased speed.

 After almost 10 minutes we docked and got off the boat in a secluded village in the Forest. That's when we got into our Unibog. Thankful for seat belts we made our way up bumpy roads. Lots of laughs and photos being taken. The get to know you questions of fellow travelers.

Once at base we changed into a rash guard, slightly wet and provided for our protection for future water slides. We then put all of our stuff in a locker and got our harness and helmets on. And are given gloves also still wet. No one wanted to put them on. Wet leather is not welcoming. But a few lines in you don’t even remember how gross they are. We meet our red helmet guides, go over a few basic need to knows and leave bass by way of a rope bridge over a stream. On the other side of this stream is where we met our mules.

After being matched up with a mule each person started up the mountain in a single file line. We were all enjoying the ride when our guides came up behind us and made our mules all want to race. This just made us all laugh. I think mostly nervous laughter. But, it was fun trying to slow down my mule and steer it aroundthe holes and rocks. After about 10-15 minutes we reached the end or should I say top. There we got off our mules and walked a bit more to the very top.

Where all you see it everything. This is the point where you wish you have a camera, but those were all left in the locker below.  Nerves start to stir as you wait in line for the first zip line.  Once hooked in and ready with a smile for the camera you sit down and are off. As you remember all the short training they told you, you look around and feel peace as you calmly fly through the air above the forest below and then all too soon you are breaking and coming in to land. After being stopped and unclipped you continue on the perfectly marked path to the next one. This continues a couple more times till you reach a platform that is almost directly above the waterfall. You are guided down a line and then stand in line on top of a waterfall.  The guides give you pointers and one by one your adventure companions go over the edge backwards. I’m sure all pretending to be Bear Grills. I know I did. Then its your turn. A little drop in my stomach right before I gave up all control and leaned back. Then a “simple” walk down the waterfall.

A few smiles for the camera.  At the bottom your shoes get wet for the first of many times. The water feels good and just spurs you on. This starts the beginning of many more zip lines and repels thru the forest till the end. The front guy keeps going and you do everything in the time you need to do it. There is no waiting for everyone before beginning. Our family was able to do everything together and sometimes were the only ones at something. Many rope bridges were crossed. Once we repelled off a floating platform strait down into water. Another time we zip lined into the water. Which was a bit cool. Towards the end an opportunity to zip line upside down, tests everyone's courage. Even mom was up for it. The afternoon was ended with a rather large waterfall that will give you a wedge if you are lucky enough to not be given a mat to ride. You are even equipped with a hockey helmet and elbow pads for this. At the top you have no idea what to expect.

After you readjust and take your helmet off there is the rest of your group snacking of fresh fruit and juice. You wait for everyone out of you and make your way back to the lockers. You get your dry clothes, that extra set you packed because you read the reviews and that is what people told you to do, PACK A EXTRA SET OF CLOTHES, and go change out of our wet clothes and shoes. Then you go look at your photos and eat some really yummy salsa. After everyone ordered their photos you get back into your Unibog and go back down the bumpy road then back to the speed boat.

Once back on dock next to your ship you decide that was the Best Day Ever, at least of your cruise. Maybe it didn’t be the birth of your children or your wedding day but its something not to miss out on.